Lemberg Toastmasters
First half-year of 2012 statistics
19 meetings
(19/6 ~= 3.17 per month)
21 prepared speeches by 12 speakers
(~1.1 per meeting, 3.5 per month, ~1.75 per speaker)
26 people were taking roles
Thank you all so much!
153 total roles participations
Including prepared speakers
(~8 roles per meeting, ~5.88 participations by one person for half-year or ~1 per month)
14 viewpoints, 12 table topics, 3 games and one debate
Visiting Lemberg toastmasters for one month you'd go to roughly 3 meetings, hear 4 different speeches, participate in around 2 viewpoints and 2 table topics, and take a role once.All in all this was a productive half-year!
Notable standouts
- Top Speaker - Orest Chopko with 5 speeches!
Noone else delivered more than 2 speeches
- Top Speech Evaluator - Alex Sheremet with 7 speech evaluations!
Noone else did more than 3
Ok, let’s get into the details...