As the eve of a new year's day it is the time to look back at a passing year 2013 and club achievements during the time.
We are happy to report that second half year of 2013 showed some good progress in a club business - thanks to the dedication and support of our old and new members. We were also supported by local IT companies - a support for which we've very grateful.
A quick summary of our most notable achievements:
- The club was invited to hold meetings at an EPAM company training centre. We express our gratitude to EPAM for the invitation and further support.
- A new officers team has been elected, and now the club finally has a full officers team again.
- Thanks to the enthusiasm of new officers the club has successfully held a local speech contest, or as we call it "Speech Championship". We congratulate Victor Medvedev on winning the contest.
- Statistics for 2-nd half of year 2013 show several significant performance improvements: less meetings cancelled, more prepared speeches were delivered by more speakers, higher number of total participations on roles and higher number of participations per person (i.e. more activity from club members).
President: Alex Bair
VP Education: Igor Klyuka
VP Membership: Yulia Svyripa
VP PR: Anastasia Bryukvina
Secretary: Mykola Makhin
Sergeant at Arms: Bogdan Kuzema
Treasurer: Alex Sheremet
Let us now take a look at a statistics for 2-nd half of year 2013
Total meetings: 22 (3.7 per month, presumably skipped: 4).
Prepared speeches: 10 speeches by 6 different speakers.
Mini speeches: 5 by 3 speakers.
Different members who took roles: 20
Total participations on roles: 157
Average number of roles taken per meeting: 7
Average participations per person: 7.85 in 6 month, or 1.3 per month.
Viewpoints: 17
TableTopics: 16
Games: 10
Debates: 1
Speeches per month: 1.7
Viewpoints per month: 2.8
Table-topics per month: 2.7
Most active speaker: Viktor Medvedev with 3 speeches.
Prepared speeches per person:
Viktor Medvedev: 3
Igor Klyuka: 2
Julia Bair: 2
Bohdan Kuzema: 1
Mykola Makhin: 1
Orest Chopko: 1
Mini-speeches per person:
Alex Sheremet: 2
Mykola Makhin: 2
Andriy Leshchyshyn: 1
Participations by role:
Toastmaster: 22
Timer: 19
Grammarian: 18
Ah-counter: 17
Viewpoint Speaker: 17
Tabletopic Master: 16
Tabletopic Evaluator: 14
Game Master: 10
Prepared Speaker: 10
Speech Evaluator: 9
Prepared Minispeech: 5
Participations by person:
Mykola Makhin: 33
Igor Klyuka: 20
Viktor Medvedev: 20
Alex Sheremet: 18
Alex Bair: 13
Bohdan Kuzema: 10
Alex Yanov: 8
Tetiana Povshyk: 7
Julia Maryshchuk: 5
Julia Bair: 4
Tiang Cheng: 4
Anastasia Bryukvina: 3
Julia Svyripa: 3
Andriy Leshchyshyn: 2
Svyatoslav Zalishchuk: 2
Natalia Shutiuk: 1
Oleg Konyk: 1
Oleksandr Yanov: 1
Orest Chopko: 1
Vitalij Shynkar: 1
Top role takers per role (who took same role more than twice):
Ah-Counter: Bohdan Kuzema: 3
Ah-Counter: Mykola Makhin: 3
Ah-Counter: Viktor Medvedev: 3
Game Master: Alex Bair: 3
Grammarian: Mykola Makhin: 4
Prepared MiniSpeech: Alex Sheremet: 2
Prepared MiniSpeech: Mykola Makhin: 2
Prepared Speaker: Viktor Medvedev: 3
Speech Evaluator: Alex Sheremet: 3
TableTopic Evaluator: Igor Klyuka: 3
TableTopic Evaluator: Viktor Medvedev: 3
TableTopic Master: Mykola Makhin: 6
Timer: Mykola Makhin: 4
Timer: Viktor Medvedev: 4
Toastmaster: Alex Yanov: 5
Viewpoint Speaker: Mykola Makhin: 3
Versatility - distinct roles per person:
Mykola Makhin: 11
Igor Klyuka: 10
Viktor Medvedev: 9
Alex Sheremet: 9
Alex Bair: 7
Bohdan Kuzema: 6
Tetiana Povshyk: 4
Julia Maryshchuk: 4
Anastasia Bryukvina: 3
Julia Svyripa: 3
Alex Yanov: 3
Tiang Cheng: 3
Julia Bair: 3
Svyatoslav Zalishchuk: 2
Andriy Leshchyshyn: 2
Oleg Konyk: 1
Orest Chopko: 1
Oleksandr Yanov: 1
Natalia Shutiuk: 1
Vitalij Shynkar: 1
Let's take a look at some positive trends
When we compare statistics for 1-sf and 2-nd half-year of 2012 and 1-sf and 2-nd half-year of 2013 we can see that finally in 2-nd half of year 2013 we have strong positive trends - unlike in previous half-years.
In last half-year we had more meetings and more role participations than in any previous, and it's a strong upwards trend. We also had significant rise in number of prepared speeches and speakers that delivered those. Also people remained pretty active all the time, and even more active this half-year - on average any person took roles 8 times.
Not everything is great though - we have a little drop in number of different people who were taking roles - that's why high number of participations called for an increase of activity of each individual member and more meetings. And thus we also had little drop of roles taken per meeting rate. But none of those varied much, so in general it's still not bad.
And more to a positive side - we had a really high number of viewpoints and table topics, quite a lot of games, and a debate. Mini-speeches were a bit less popular this time though, but supposedly it's because they were replaced by or developed into a full-fledged speeches - which was the goal of having mini-speeches in a first place.
Thus we can conclude that we weren't having any boring meetings - a record amount of impromptu speaking and quite a few prepared speeches kept meetings running well.
That is all for now.
Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year,
Lviv Toastmasters Club officers.
Lviv Toastmasters Club officers.
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